Join us for an engaging discussion on living with the unique abilities of being an empath and learn ways to not just survive, but thrive in today's fast-paced and emotionally charged world.
Are you a fan of Abraham Hicks and looking for others who share your interest? This monthly group chat provides us a positive environment to explore all areas of Abraham's teachings and share tips and tricks for manifesting our dreams.
Are you curious about deepening your connection with The Spirit World? Come explore the subtle yet profound ways Spirits communicate with us in our daily lives.
Have You Ever Wondered What Lies Beyond?
Come join a psychic medium in an hour long discussion where we will engage in a thought-provoking conversation on the not so mysterious life after death!
Like to talk about ghosts? Haunted Places? UFOs? Cryptids? Then we have a group for you! Join us each month as we geek out over our love for all things Paranormal!