What exactly is a soul mate?
Well, you’ll get different answers depending on who you ask. But most people think of soul mates as romantic partners meant to find each other and live a portion of their life together teaching each other about true love in perfect harmony.
But are soul mates even Real?
The answer to that is both yes and no.
Yes, they are real. No, they are not quite the way they are portrayed.
In reality, soul mates are far more varied and complex than just meeting each other, falling in love at first sight and living happily ever after. After all, we come to this world for growth and we cannot do the learning we need without experiencing challenges along the way. And more often than not, those challenges come through the form of our relationships with other people.
To explain the concept of soul mates we must start before we are even born into this world....
Back over there in The Spirit World – yes that is where we come from - everyone is connected, loved and supported by everyone else.
Quite the change from the planet we live on, isn’t it?
Every soul in The Spirit World is just as dedicated to helping others grow as they are in growing themselves. This is because every one of them is so connected that when one learns, we all learn and expand through them.
So technically every soul in existence could be considered your soul mate. But for the sake of keeping this simple we’ll focus more on the smaller groups for more focused learning.
Every one of us has a group of souls committed to helping us grow while we are in body. The term most often used for this is the soul family. Some souls stay and help from over there. Some come into living form with us and teach us by giving us experiences we need to further our understanding of whatever topic it is we came to focus on in this life. And in turn we help them by teaching them something at the same time.
So if your soul decides it wants to learn about self-esteem, you might have a fellow spirit join you in life to be your school yard bully. Us humans do learn best by experiencing the opposite of what we want to clarify, after all. Then when we go after changing the feelings in ourselves we don't like, we learn what it is we DO want.
So that bully you hate may teach you what it means to feel victimized but in healing that feeling you learn the actual lesson your soul wanted: what it means to be empowered.
Make sense so far?
Not all souls come into life at the same time you do. Some might come before you and start learning things you will not be a part of. So you might have a spirit family member be your loving grandparent that helps you overcome that school yard bully. That sort of thing.
And because our souls are always in contact with each other you may even have spirit family members, that seem like random people, that step in long enough to help and then step out of your life again.
Simply because their soul knew you needed the help and agreed to assist you.
The whole process is fascinating isn't it?
There are so many ways soul mates play a role in our world!
In the next blog we’ll break down some of the types of soul mates you may come across in your life and in the last blog on this topic we’ll look at important things to remember when it comes to soul mate relationships.