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Our Blog

Spirit Message: March 2023

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

Our Dear Friends,

Hello again. We are back with another message from the other side. For those of you who take the time to read this we have one overall message that applies to every one of you.

Now is the time to act!

The world has been riddled with what seems to you like chaotic energy for months now. Yet through the clutter you have come to a clearer understanding of what it is you want and need in your world in order for you to feel like you are thriving. Not just living. Not just convincing yourself you are happy while merely being content. But what you need to truly feel the joy of life.

So often humans lower their expectations in order to convince themselves they are happy. They allow themselves to believe that feeling balanced and steady is all they need in order to succeed in this world. The monotony of never wanting to rock the boat. We are here to remind you all that you are lying to yourself.

Your feelings of being stuck, not sure if you are really as happy as you say you are, your feelings that you are missing something are not just figments of your imagination. They are us, reminding you that you came here for more than what you are allowing yourself to have. That you absolutely deserve more than what you are currently giving yourself. That we are still here, ready and willing to help you find the way if you will be willing to face the fears that are holding you back.

Yes you are ready. Yes it feels impossible and much heavier than it really is. Yes there are a million doubts tumbling around in your head that are very easy to follow instead. A million reasons not to try in order to keep feeling “safe”. But there is one reason for doing this that trumps each and every one of them. You DESERVE to be happy. Truly, heart filled, body glowing kind of happy and it is time you stop denying yourself that.

True it will not always feel as perfect as you expected. True that at times you will doubt or question yourself or others and will find resistance. But your truth will always shine through. ALWAYS. For as long as you are willing to connect with and listen to your soul. When you are not rejecting its wisdom.

What is for you has already found you. You only need to let it in. Let that person know that you love them and miss them. Start taking steps towards the new job or new home you so desperately desire. Start the business. Find the friends. Do what feels right no matter how bizarre it may seem. Stop denying your true feelings and embrace them. Sure they are not “logical” but they are not crazy either. They are your soul, leading you to your best life. Logic is only your brain creating patterns from your experiences in order to keep you feeling safe. But those patterns are not as real as they seem. That logic is absolutely holding you back.

Take action! Now. Why wait a moment longer in the pain and frustration of where you are? It will only be uncomfortable for a little while and then you will find the joy you are seeking.

As always we see you, we hear you, we love you.

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