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Our Blog

Spirit Message: September 2023

Updated: Oct 12, 2023

Hello again all,

We are excited to be back with a message for this new month of September. We are quickly approaching the part of the year when our connection to each other is at its strongest. For the upcoming month we believe it is important for you all to know that the changes and chaotic energy you feel is more than just seasonal depression. It is yet another step in the process of raising the energy of the people of the world. Shifting to new heights and allowing more room for each of you to grow. Together we are constantly expanding, and we are so proud and excited to be on this journey with all of you.

As we move forward into the next month, we also want to touch on the topic of “Being real with yourself”. By this term we mean not skirting around the emotions you feel or trying to shut them down or make excuses for them. Being able to look at yourself and say “This is how I feel and that’s okay. From these feelings I know more about myself or the situation and I can adjust accordingly.”

For example:

If you have a concern about a situation. Instead of automatically changing your thoughts to telling yourself you feel better about it than you do. Instead of telling yourself you are overreacting or treating yourself as though you are doing something wrong by having the feeling. We suggest you take a few moments to “feel” those feelings and try to decern the meaning of them.

Your feelings, even the ones you consider negative are the most important way for you to hear and listen to guidance from the spirit world. They are your soul speaking to you. Yet they are often overlooked and taken for granted.

When it comes to working with Law of Attraction and defining your clarity, positivity at the expense of not allowing yourself to feel your full range of emotions is not the best course of practice. Those so called negative emotions are just as needed and important to your life as the positive ones and must be allowed their own space and time to exist. Acknowledging those feelings, understanding why you received that signal and moving through the process of regaining balance and adjusting your thoughts accordingly, is an important part of how you grow.

The strength of this ability lies in being able to feel all of the available human emotions without judgement, regret, guilt, self-hatred or the need to push any of them away. Lean towards positivity any time you can and milk that emotion for all it is worth every time you are able to feel it! But take pleasure in all emotions. They are an amazing part of the human experience and deserve to be seen for the helpful, wonderful things they actually are.

As always we see you, we hear you, we love you.

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